Logo provided by Elifaine. Code help from Keturn
Titus attempts a money hustle
"Hydrate or Die Straight"
"Too gay to read"
Cast provides emotional trauma as "tawdry gossip"
Cast member curses at Gnome on blursed reveal.
"God damn it chat"
Chat calls a blursed creation before intros are done
Gnome tells Titus they're not immune to fire damage
Eli trolls Gnome with audio
PC successfully seduces a NPC
"Roll for fetish"
"They're not living, laughing, or loving"
Eden makes a cast member cry
Titus tries to get out of signing something
Wild magic surge
Session has a getting ready to go out scene
Gnome makes a cast member cry
PC flirts with the pocket watch
Arcadia and Eden kiss
Gnome doesn’t know what numbers are
Titus gets skittish around water
PC struggles for tawdry gossip in intro
Gnome suddenly ducks off camera
Influence the game by donating through StreamElements.
- $10 grant inspiration
- $25 wild magic surge
- $100 hijack the plot
- Spells:
- $1 True strike
- $4.20 Bless
- $6.66 Healing word
- $20 Mass cure wounds
- $30 Sleet Storm
- $69 Fireball/
- $69 Revivify
Free Actions
Complete any of the below actions to take any square on the card. Actions should not be something you already normally do and it should not be obvious that you’re taking a Free Action.
- * Give a non-cast member in chat a sincere compliment
- * Give a cast member in chat a sincere compliment
- * Follow a raider who you do not know already
- * Welcome a new comer